A Star Falls Over Our Summer House

Stars: Breath frozen still across the sky, tiny drops peering white, yellow dragon eyes look at our summer house. Four of us guard sleeping embers snapping occasionally in the silence. Home brewed root beer, lake air illuminating the tree fingers leaning in catching borrowed warmth. Four of us. The stars take us up. We leave our bodies in wisps of blue and black that wash away ruminating cracks in my mind. We’re lost out there behind the black moon future past fear disappeared. But together. We are the first to feel a single drop of light that breaks from the still frame, a phoenix, a shooting star, red tail igniting soaring with open wings beyond the lunar necklace of silver sand and rock. We let the dust on our backs fall away. It dies in silence. We find our way to the ground where all is asleep. The sky is dark oil until it soars again. We all need to spend some time lost beside a shooting star.

Article provided by www.nextSTEPmag.com

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