A different world

High school was a little world of its own. Going to school for the first day in a place you've never lived and meeting people you've never met is a catastrophgy. My first year in Glendale High was devastating. I tried to fit into the lifestyle of my new friends but failed. Since I was a student from another country I was mocked and pushed around. I made several complaints to the disciplinarian but the mockery persited. One day, I decided to answer back.

I politely walked up to the leader of the group pushing me around and told her I will not make complaints anymore and if she wants to make me a clown, she has chosen the wrong person. From that day we became friends and she asked me to join her group. I refuse to join and told her that I will not support a group that suppresses other teens. I knew that if I had joined i would have been among the group tormenting other innocent teens because it's their first time in a different country.

Article provided by www.nextSTEPmag.com

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