
When I was nine, the thought sunk in. I realized I wasn't all I thought I was. I wasn't even what I wished I was. I felt lost and forgotten. My self confidence was zero and my trust for other, nonexistent.

 Years have gone by and I still struggle with the over powering thoughts. It's a challenge I face daily. In my heart, I know it's all for good; but it still hurts when painful questions run through my mind.

I try to use it as a reminder of how important people should be to each other. I pray that each child holds their mom as the most valuable person in their life. I hold my mom and my mamma to be the best models in my life. But only after I fully understood the greatness of a mother, did I understand all that had happened to me. Then I realized the need for others to know my story. That is what I do now. I tell everyone I can,  that I am who I need to be. I tell them "I am adopted!!"

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