Are we in for a scientist boom?

One in five of the college students interviewed in a recent Gallup survey say they’ve considered changing their careers plans, college major or joining the military after last September’s events.
The students surveyed also reported that we’re more interested in science and technology careers post-Sept. 11, because we think those are the fields that will help us save the world. See if you can guess how many of the surveyed students:
1. Considered changing their career plans or joining the military as a direct result of the attacks. a.17 percent b. 39 percent c. 82 percent
2. Are more aware of what’s happening a round them. a. 42 percent b. 92 percent c. 82 percent
3. Think there will be more people interested in socially beneficial careers, such as teaching and the health industry? a. 32 percent b. 13 percent c. 67 percent
4. Believe the new emphasis on homeland security will create new careers? a. 70 percent b. 38 percent c. 24 percent
5. Think the United States will experience more terrorist threats in the future? a. 23 percent b. 75 percent c. 96 percent
6. Think science and technology will be the keys to dealing with other terrorist attacks? a. 2 percent b. 18 percent c. 93 percent
7. Said science and technology played a part in determining career plans? a. 38 percent b. 74 percent c. 59 percent
8. Believe that the most important innovations in science and technology will come from the U.S.? a. 89 percent b. 90 percent c. 75 percent


Answers: 1-a. 2-c. 3-c 4-a 5-b 6-c 7-b 8-c

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