Being A Teen

Many people when asked what its like to be a teenager would say "Teenagers are crazy,rebelious people who's goal is to drive their parents pyscho." But how many actually know what it really feels like..I for one am a teen and it is an unknown sometimes scary journey.

 One day you are a kid and have no worries and then you get to Jr.High and there comes responsibility,the importance of being accepted by peers(who aren't always very friendly.),parents,figuring out who "you" are, drugs,alcohol, and so much more. It is a confusing period because you are no longer a child,yet, you are not yet an adult. You are sandwiched somewhere between and it is a very awkward feeling.

 We want to share our journey with you but sometimes we really don't know what we want because there are so many feelings and emotions going through our minds at once and we tend to be grouchy and over sensitive at times. We need to know you love us regardless and believe me you can't shower us with praise and love enough (even when we act annoyed,inside we like it.)

 So next time you see your teen go from one emotion to the next just think for a second it may be just be an overload of feelings and it will pass.

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