Being a Teen

Being a teenager these days is harder than any other time. Parents are starting to talk about school and the importance of a good education. Like life isn't hard enough dealing with peer pressure, friends and things outside of school. Sometimes I just wish I could stay a kid forever and never have to worry about "adult" things.

 Wouldn't it be nice to just go somewhere to get away from it all? But sometimes you just have to face it...your growing up. Soon I'll have to make some pretty tough descisions that no one can help me with. In a way it's a good thing. I get to use my own mind and maybe even do things my way.

 Maybe growing up isn't the worst thing, but it sure is scary. To all those reading this just know that you're not alone. I'm scared too but I'm ready to face my fears head on. There will be bumps along the way, but as long as I follow my dreams I know it'll be a smooth ride.

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