Bullies and Being Gay

The world today is not like things from the past it has changed in many ways for teens and the way they live their life.

I've noticed alot during my two years in high school with such things as bullies and homosexuality but nobody does anything about it and I ask why?

I am just as guilty as the rest of the people who stand back and watch but I am too in fear of getting teased because nowadays being gay is not accepted and in my view it will never be.

I am a straight guy whose afraid people might say something if he stands up for some guy whose gay. Why is it that guys are not comfortable with their sexuality and worry more about what people think?

I believe that everybody should be treated equally no matter their race, gender, religion etc. Another issue I faced when I was growing up was bullying. Nobody pays attention to bullying because many people believe it's just kids playing around but as it exceeds that many teens can't handle this pressure and resort to things like physical harm or violence.

If you look at bullying around the nation 90% of teens believe their better than someone else which really alarms me because this will lead to an increase in teen violated violence.

Article provided by www.nextSTEPmag.com

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