Career Conundrum

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" This is a question that a lucky few can answer with effortless ease and proud confidence of knowing they have somewhat of a map or plan to help navigate into there future. The rest of us, the unlucky ones are still faced with this confusing question basically everyday. When you’re still a teenager early in high school like myself, graduation seems forever away. The thought of being older (let’s say 30) is so unbelievably far in the future it’s not in your reach to ponder. So, with life seeming so infinite who can be expected to know what they want to do EVERY DAY for the rest of your long life, and be pressured to figure it out very soon! Maybe I have a serious commitment problem but unless you find something you truly love doing, I think the idea of doing the same boring thing every day is terrifying. Now, I’m not saying to give up all hope on finding a career, I just think it’s VERY important to try to find something you love to do and are good at, and link it to a real life job. I know this is much harder than it sounds so good luck, and wish me the same.

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