
Everything is so weird and so different from before. I have noticed one difference that stand out among the rest, and it is that most people are afraid.

They are afraid of their lives, their choices, their future ... and most of all they are afraid of change.

They try not to move on with their lives in hope of avoiding it.

Everyone hopes that they can control their future and they hope to control what becomes of them ... but in the midst of everything, there is no control ... everything is changing, not only our lives are changing but also our thought of life is changing.

Yet most people try to look past it. They try not to see it happening. You may ask, " In what way is your thought of life changing?" My answer would be, "I used to think that life was the hanging out with friends, talking on the phone for hours at a time and the sort of stuff that teenagers do ... but now I know that's not how it is going to be, and I stand by my life is changing ... even right this second."

Has anyone ever actually thought about the concept of change, other than me? I may ask this question everyday, but shouldn't have to because i know for a fact that people have thought about it.

But not many have expressed their feelings about it ... CHANGE.

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