
It's amazing how much a person can change in just a few years. It seems that to ourselves, we never really change: we're still the same person.

And yet, after only a few years of college, everything seems to be so different. Have we changed? I've lost track of so many friends over the last few years, it's amazing when I see them again.

They've become such different people. We change a lot in school. Whether from Elementary to Middle School, Middle School to High School, or High School to College. Not only do we mature intellectually, but also socially and even physically.

We start to become the people we will be. We start to make goals and careers and relationships. Should we fear this change? When going back to visit my family and friends in Indiana, I realized how much I had changed.

I was no longer a child. I was no longer "Jenny", but had a new identity as an adult. Arthur Schopenhauer once said "Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal." Everytime we meet new people, go through new experiences, and discover knowledge, we change.

Everyday is different, and in turn every day we are different. College can be scary: a new step and a new beginning to our lives as adults.

It's a change from the lives we have known for 18 years. But we should not fear change. We should accept that changing is only another step in growing up.

So do not be afraid of the thoughts, the new clothes, and the new personalities that may appear in the near future. For undoubtedly, they will change again. And change is good, right?

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