
College!!!! It's a big part of our lives and I just can't believe it's finally my turn. I started college on june 21st, i really wanted to experience everything so that's why i chose to start during the summer.

I was so happy, hey don't get me wrong, I'm still happy :). The first day I moved my stuff in my room, a bunch of us decided to have a party; I still couldn't beleive it: no parents, no curfew... I was free.

Well not exactly cause I still needed them to give me money, but I was on my path to independence. Well we had the party and it was fun and all; orientation was fun.

Then the week after, I wished I was home; my english teacher asked us to read 6 chapters of a pretty boring book and he told us that we would have a test on it the following week.

I couldn't beleive it. It had only been a week and 2 days and I hated college already, what was I to do? Now I had to choose between going to parties everynight and doing my work.

Now I understand what college is really about; especially for those of us who live in dorms. College is about knowing youself, time management and independence. College is about entering adulthood and i can't wait to be an adult.

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