College or Not?

If you go to college you would have skills for the rest of your life,no matter what career you choose.

Going to college gives you a better Job Opportunity,which most jobs require a college educaton.

A college person who most likely earn more money then a person not going to college.

Most people are unsure about college 1. "No Money?" Most students could get financial aid to help pay for the college.

2. "No one in my family went to college" Even if no one in your family went to college this would be a great opportunity to explain the importance of college.

3. "I don`t know what I want to be?" Don`t worry there are millions of teens like you who don`t know what they want to be,College gives you a great opportunity to learn more what is out there.

 4. "Is college going to be to har for me?" Most student think college is going to be to hard.All colleges offer tutoring and support.No one goesto college knowing everything in life!

5. "I might not fit in." Belive me just about every college had diffrent student backgrounds,if they have clubs you should think about joing them.

It Doesn't Have to Be a Four-Year College If you're not sure about college, or which college, consider attending a community college.

Community colleges are public, two-year schools that provide an excellent education, whether you're considering an associate degree, a certificate program, technical training, or plan to continue your studies at a four-year college.

My advice is to go to college and do great,I know you could do it!

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