Defining Determination

Amidst all the superfluous redundancies and burdens of life, why is it that some people really do thrive while you seem to be stuck under your own little rain cloud?

I use to ask myself this very same question, so I empathize with your frustration. Life is not a sugar-coated dream, but no matter how many times you hear someone say this, it fails to become a comfort.

Even to me, success oftentimes seems as far away as that perfect guy whom I cannot seem to stumble upon, as I sit here at my computer typing this essay.

But I have learned that time really does go by quickly, therefore I know that I must start now to become who I will someday be. In the future a soft, comforting melody plays, so all you have to do is rise above the struggles and grasp your goal of becoming someone who you would now envy.

Along the way, indecision became my policy. Everyday I did not know. I was simply too afraid to choose. I submerged myself in all the tribulations of life. I cried and wanted to give up. Do not become like me.

Smile and determine to live. Unlike many people my age, I am uncertain about my career path. But, you see, it is okay to not know some things.

Of course, I would love to have an answer that reaches out and slaps me in the face just so that I know that it exists, yet I will wait because I must. If you keep working diligently and envisioning yourself somewhere greater, you will someday be walking in your own dream. The determination to get out of bed and not focus on the various obstacles impeding my path is how I have survived.

Determination is what forces me to stay up an extra hour so that I will ace that test instead of succumbing to my warm comfortable bed Determination is what makes me look into the mirror and see beyond my blemishes to the true exuberance within my being.

Determination allows me to overcome the swirling majority that threatens to take away my independence. Determination to smile and accept my talents and shortcomings is what now defines my life.

Life is alive with twists and turns that leave me standing on my toes at all times just so that I can catch a glimpse of what is to come. The enchantment of life is incredible, if you will determine to enjoy the ride.

According to Oscar Wilde, "All of us are lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars." Only you can choose to focus on the stars and take your first confidant step towards tomorrow; however, I promise, the amount of determination that you have defines who you are.

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