Fast Food is Gross

I think that fast food is going to ruin the world. Every day millions of people eat fast food and don't realize what it's doing to them. It is proven that fast food increases the risk of clogged arteries. A lot of the health problems in Americans are caused by their eating habits. Fast foods are loaded with tons of sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol. A lot of the meat in the fast food restaurants can make you sick.

I think that young people eat a lot of fast food because it is convenient. They want to go out with their friends instead of having dinner at home, so they just stop at McDonalds or Burger King. Young people don't care that fast food is bad for them, because it doesn't affect them right now, but they should think about the future.

When they get older, they will wish they never ate all of the fast food. I don't think that people should ever feed their kids fast food. Kids that have fast food when their young usually eat too much of it when they're older.

The fast food restaurants should find a way to make their food healthy. They should use some of their money to buy better quality food. If they didn't cook with so much grease and use meat that should be thrown away, their food would be a lot healthier. McDonalds, Burger King and all of the other big fast food chains have more than enough money to give people better food. Until they get healthier food, I don't think that anyone should eat it. Fast food is gross!

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