Financial aid to-do list

Did you know that your financial aid won’t automatically transfer with you when you go to a different school? By following this simple checklist, you’ll ensure that your financial aid will be waiting for you when you arrive on your new campus.

At your current school:
Meet with your financial-aid counselors to:
Let them know you are transferring.
Get information about your current aid.
Request that your financial-aid transcript be sent to your new school, if needed.

Meet with your academic advisor to:
Ensure you’ve met all transfer requirements.
Request that an academic transcript be sent to your new school.

At your new school:
Complete the FAFSA with your new school  information.
Even if you completed a FAFSA last  year, you must submit a renewal FAFSA every year you want to be eligible for federal financial aid.
Contact your financial-aid counselor to ask about scholarships, grants and work-study programs.
Request a calendar of financial-aid deadlines and important dates, including when you can expect to receive your award letter and the subsequent follow-up deadline.
Apply for student loans even if you have previous loans.
Request a deferment form from your lender/servicer to update any previous loans you may have with your new school information. This important step ensures that your lender knows  you’re still in school.
Have the financial-aid office at your new school certify your enrollment and forward the deferment form to your loan holders so they can update their records.

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