Finding the right fit

Q: How do I find the right college for me?

A: Most people agree that financial aid and choice of major are the two biggest factors to consider when making your final college decision. But though these two are very important factors, year after year, families and prospective students tend to overlook the fit of a school. Students need to have the right fit at the college they hope to attend. Though finding your right fit involves numerous areas of the college experience, you can get most of the answers from a campus visit. Colleges are looking for the right fit in the students they intend to enroll.

The campus visit is a must-do during the admissions process. You need to arrive prepared with lots of questions. Feel the college out; first impressions last. Check out clubs, organizations, support services, athletics, facilities, residence halls, the cafeteria and anything else you might be interested in. Don’t just talk to the admissions staff—talk to students and faculty, too. Remember, this could be your home for the next four years!

This country is home to thousands of colleges. There is one that is perfect for you. All you have to do is find it!

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