Frank And His New Boyfriend

So if you want to get by in this life, you really ought to realize that there are two sides to almost any topic. That's something that as a kid, I never had to really think about. I guess most people didn't think about that. When my life consisted of roller-skating and playing make-believe, I had no drive to voice my opinions. I hadn't ever thought about what was important to me, so it isn't until later, really, that we start to understand that there will always be people who disagree with us. And even if I was thinking critically about the world when I was that young, what could I have learned?

What topics are easily accessible to the ears of children? Too few. Many of the issues that impassion me now were never openly discussed when I was a child. And that's a shame. I'm friends with a lot of gay people, and there might be nothing in this world that I hate more than the fact that homosexuality is a topic that some people shield from their children.

It's simply inexcusable when homophobic married couples force their one-minded beliefs onto their children. It's not just a problem with stubborn parents, though, it's everywhere in our safe little world. It's in the way homosexuality is dealt with television, or rather, the way it is simply not dealt with at all. Why are television shows screened from the topic?

It's not that I want everyone to directly deal with the topic of homosexuality in that mushy, Seventh Heaven, kind of way. That would almost be counterproductive. Why can't there be a gay guy on Friends? If you were unaware, Brock, a character on Pokemon, is in love with Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. Why can't he be in love with Businessman Jake, too? I remember watching Sesame Street when I was little, but I don't recall the puppet who had feelings for her neighbor-lady. No joke.

People should be as comfortable with talking about a gay relationship as they are talking about a straight one. People are fine with expressing their views on things like gay marriage and gay adoption, but have you ever seen a conversation simply stop with the mention of Frank and his new boyfriend?

Even though it's not necessarily because these people don't like gays and lesbians, it's at least because they're uncomfortable with the topic. And isn't that a shame? Don't people understand that dropping these kinds of topics so readily could actually be hurting somebody? Really hurting somebody.

Every time a conversation about a homosexual relationship is politely sidestepped, it's a reminder to someone that they are different from ninety percent of the population. And not better different, just different, maybe even a little out of place. What excuse is there for making a human feel like that? I'm glad that I was born a heterosexual in this day and age. Being gay can bring heartache.

I had a friend whose father complained so much about gays and lesbians, and about her own homosexuality, that she actually lied to him, and told him that she was straight, that she had only been confused. I could only wonder how a society could produce such a vile human as this girl’s father. And however much you think you don't care about what your parents think of you, something like that leaves a mark.

My own mother once accused me of being gay. She found a note that I had written to one of my friends and came to the wrong conclusion. That incident is something that I will never forgive her for. For a few truly awful minutes of my life, until I could explain what she had read, my mother thought that I was gay. And for these few awful minutes, my mother was disgusted with me. She didn't even try to hide it. I want now more than almost anything to go back in time. I wouldn't go back and take the note out of my pocket before it got to the laundry. No, I think I would go back and shout at her for ruining the picture I had in my head of a loving mother who would accept me no matter what. I would scream at her for judging her daughter. I wouldn't even deny what she thought she knew. I just want to go back yell at the top of my lungs that I hated her for hurting me.

You know what, maybe we should forget the whole thing. This kind of thing doesn't happen to everyone, you know. No, America shouldn't fret over homosexuals. Nobody needs to get upset over this. After all, it is such an uncomfortable subject.

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