Get Involved!

Well, if you've ever had any interest in Politics at all, you would know what I am talking about! People complain constantly about different things that bother them, sometimes it's other people, sometimes it's school, but the most often I hear complaints about Student Council, and sometimes even our National Government.

It is difficult to listen to people complain about certain things in Canadian Politics and even within the school. The reason it's so hard is that these are the people who continually complain, but never do anything to change it! Get involved, if you have an opinion it is not hard to voice it! There are so many different things to get involved in this day and age, that it is almost hard not too! Try going to student council meetings, go to council meetings for your town or city, and the most recent thing that the government has created is the Student Vote! Get your school involved in the Student Vote, it is a great way to get everyone involved in politics, teach them what is going on, and who is going to be running our WONDERFUL country during our upcoming years!!!

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