Getting Ahead in the Game

School to me has always been an important factor in my life and I know that you always have to worry about what kind of grades you will be getting. To me what you get is what you deserve and its true.

I had many troubles this last year in just one class. I of course blamed it on the teacher’s teaching curriculum because I thought that it was unfair. It was me, though. I messed up when I did bad on a test. I could have went after school and did them over again but did I?...NOPE.

For me, it’s always hard to keep up with the first semester because I am a part of the high school band and first semester is marching season and we have to practice till four every day until November. Then after that we have parades. Now I hear on television that they have proven a fact that most kids that play an instrument do better for the rest of their lives and I really do support that.

My idea is not to be behind the game but to always be ahead. My grades worked themselves out towards the end of second semester and all I thought was I did this. So who ever reads this remember life is what you make it and make it a good one.

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