Growing Up

The truth is, growwing up for most of us seems for the most part chaotic. We tend to forget that there is a time to come when the "future" will become the present.

If you are anything like me you are finding out that playtime is over, and the time to prepare is now. Life has a tendancy to brag.

You hear things your whole life about how to prepare, to not let a moment pass you by ect... but you never listien.

This past year as if I had heard all these things for the first time, I started to pay attention.

When you get to that stopping point when you just kinda pause and take a good look at who you are , where you are, what's in your future, and so forth you tend, or at least i did, to freak out.

Thankfully I realized that that moment, or stopping point is brief, and with the quidence of some very dear and mature people in my life I was able to find peace in the mist of my chaos.

To anyone that feels like growing up is too overwhelming let me offer you some advice: Don't expect things to be perfect when you start to grow up. I mean how is it that you can get up when you never fall down?

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