Growing up too Fast

When you think of a teenager you think of a lazy, nonrespectable, and childlike person. Well that is not always true. This is a true story about me.

I am an average teenager with nonaverage problems. The normal problems for a teen would be, 'What will I wear tomorrow?'. Well, that used to be my question, but not any more. about one year ago around September my dad started to change. In march I finally discovered what was going on. My dad had fallen into temptation. I found a picture of his lover. from then on I started to doubt him in everything he said.

That woman turned him against us. Until today he can't end that relationship. I have grown up to fast. it feels like I jumped a space and didn't have time to stop and turn back to relive it. While other teens are thinking of clothes and boys, I have to be thinking of helping my mother with my sisters.

I have three sisters. A fourteen year old one who is in the stage where she begins to rebel, since my mom suffered with the news she became clinically depressed, has a high blood pressure, and high cholesterol I have to help my mother control her when she tries to do a stupidity that she may soon regret. My smaller sisters are easier to handle because I'm taller, but I don't know for how long.

One will be two in September, she sometimes cries because my dad ignores her and is up to me to aid her through that period of pain. Yet, the other one is ten and is harder to look her in the eye an tell her every thing will change and go back to normal.

While teens are thinking of normal things like clothes and boys, this normal teen is thinking of thing like 'will I go to college?,' 'Do I have to work in order to pay the bill and help out my mom?', 'Will this nightmare ever end?', 'will I ever smile?', and 'Why and how could this have happened?'.

Yes I am a normal teen with problems that came to early if at all. I have a 4.02 GPA and was number nineteen but will that be enough to get me into college? or will I have to sacrifice all my dreams because of an error that I could have prevented? I some times think... if someone would have told me this would happed I would have laughed so hard I may have choked on my own saliva... but now that I an living though this nightmare I just want to... wake up.

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