
Internships provide students with wonderful opportunities to explore the careers in which they’re interested so they will know exactly what to expect in the working world. Usually, a school counselor or teacher can help you set up the perfect internship. However, there is no need to wait for your school to catch up to you.

To avoid missing application deadlines, begin your internship search for the summer now! Begin by researching companies in your field of interest and inquiring about internships. For instance, if you wish to pursue a career in medicine, you might contact a hospital. For a career in journalism, you might ask a newspaper editor for a job. Keep in mind that a company does not necessarily need to have a specific internship program to accept interns.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not all internships are boring desk jobs. Vanessa DeFaria, a recent graduate of Miami Beach Senior High, got the opportunity to intern in a hospital over summer break—in Spain! Even though taking a close look at medicine was her prime concern, Vanessa says she also got to “see the sites of Madrid and tune the foreign language skills. This is an opportunity of a lifetime that I would recommend to anyone.”

There are many organizations that provide you with such opportunities, and many offer scholarships or financial aid to help pay for the cost of the trip.

When looking for the perfect internship, you should never sell yourself short. Browse around before you make a final choice because good internships offer perks for applicants. For example, the Advanced Academic Internship Program connects exceptional students with internships for which they receive honors credit. You may also find something along the lines of a paid internship, which could at least take care of your lunch and transportation costs, if not provide a regular paycheck.

Internships are as eclectic as music. You have to find the one that’s right for you. Try to make your search as extensive as possible so you can find the best deal on the market. Remember, there are a million opportunities out there, and the only one who can limit your choices is you.

Alejandra Serna is a recent graduate of Miami Beach Senior High School and currently a freshman at Florida International University.

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