Plan not to worry

As the summer came to a close, you may have started to get butterflies in your stomachs and felt like the world was closing in on you. Don’t worry! The first step to refocusing your college/university worries into productive energy is to recognize how many other people have completed four years of undergraduate study. They survived; So can you. And when it’s all over, you’ll probably be wishing to go back to school.

I’ve felt the same worries and stresses you might be feeling now. Now that I’m in my second year of university, I realize that my worries were unwarranted. I’m particularly reminded of my concern for friends (or my potential lack thereof), given that I was moving to California from New York. Yet at any school, big or small, finding people with whom you’ll enjoy running through hallways or talking until 4 a.m. will not be a problem.

Wherever you’re going, I can guarantee that you will meet a diverse group of people. Another concern that you may have is the issue of an increased workload. We’ve all heard horror stories abound about how difficult college is, what with 18 units of hardcore classes, rez life and hours of essay writing.

But don’t worry too much. Keep an open mind, and manage your priorities. Yes, the courses are a little bit more difficult and more crowded than high school classes. And yes, you’ll have homework. But addressing your new responsibilities isn’t impossible. It should help to know that you’re not alone. It has all been done before, so relax and enjoy your last year of high school.

Mike Maturo is a sophomore at University of Southern California.

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