QUIZ: Will your love last?

1.  Although it may feel like you two have known each other forever, how long have you actually been dating your significant other?
a. Less than two months
b. Two to seven months
c. Seven months to more than a year

2. You find out that your grandmother is sick in the hospital, and you’re totally freaking out. Who do you talk to first?
a. Your mother. She would know the most information, and she’s always there to comfort you.
b. Your best friends. They are always there through the good times and the bad, and you know that they can keep a secret.
c. Of course you’d go to your sweetie, who you trust with all your personal stuff.

3. It’s been a long, hard, strenuous week at school and you SERIOUSLY need some kind of outing to get you into the weekend spirit! Who do you go out with?
a. Your best friends! There is no better way to relax than to hit up your favorite clubs and restaurants for a night on the town.
b. Your love interest of the moment. You don’t know your date too well, but he/she seems cute, you might as well give it a try!
c. Your steady boyfriend/girlfriend because, as everyone knows, you practically do nothing but hang out together.

4. How long did your last relationship last?
a. To be honest, it only lasted about a week.
b. I haven’t dated anyone except my current (wonderful, amazing and fabulous) boyfriend/girlfriend.
c. My last relationship lasted for a few months, but it just got too serious for me!

5. When you envision college life, what pops into your head?
a. Making new friends and partying on the weekends...Everything you’ve always seen on television and heard about from your older siblings.
b. Taking specialized classes that will help you reach your future career!
c. Missing your darling boyfriend/girlfriend, who is going to college across the continent without you…sniff, sniff!

6. You’re in the middle of an insanely boring class right before lunch. Who do you write a note to (just to keep yourself awake, of course)?
a. Your best friend. You always write her a note to tell them how your day is going and how weird your teachers are.
b. Your babe/hunk of a girlfriend/boyfriend. You just HAVE to tell them how much you miss them and how much you love them!
c. Yourself. You need to make a to-do list of all the stuff you have to get accomplished before the weekend so you can go out.


Katie Macpherson is a senior at Penfield High School in Penfield, N.Y.


1.) a. 1 b. 2 c. 3            4.) a. 1 b. 3 c. 2

2.) a. 1 b. 2 c. 3            5.) a. 2 b. 1 c. 3

3.) a. 1 b. 2 c. 3            6.) a. 2 b. 3 c. 1


6 to 9 points: Looking for love
While at college, you are planning to meet all kinds of new people and start fresh with your love life. Good for you! College is a wonderful time in your life to start new relationships and let go of the past. Beware of breaking all ties with your past, however. Just because high school may not have been the peachiest time in your life doesn’t mean that you should leave everything—and everyone—behind. Stay in touch with your old buddies from home; you never know, maybe one of them will end up being your soul mate!

10 to 13 points:
Uncommitted undergrad
Although you may have had a significant other (or, ahem, several) while in high school, you probably should break it off with them before you depart for college. Perhaps you aren’t the most committed person ever—which isn’t necessarily a bad thing when you’re still young! It just might be a better idea to spare both your feelings and the feelings of your significant other and agree to just be friends (or pen pals!) while you’re having your college adventure. Chances are, you’ll meet plenty of new people (and potential love interests) on campus.

14 to 18 points: In love but open to change

You and your sweetie pie are in love and going to get married and live in a house with a white picket fence, right? You’ve fallen head over heels for this person, and although that’s really cute, if you’re going to different colleges, it might not be the best idea to stick together. Spending your days pining over your cross-country relationship will probably end up hurting you both in the long run, because while you’re IM-ing each other in your dorm rooms every night, other people will be going out and making new friends. Having such an intense yet estranged relationship could put a lot of stress on your future. Instead, you may want to consider having a more open relationship in which you’re able to date other people yet admit that you still have feelings for your high school sweetie. Don’t be too upset...there are always vacations for visiting each other at college!

Article provided by www.nextSTEPmag.com

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