To protect and serve

As I heaved my overstuffed backpack into its familiar place on the family room floor and headed to the pantry for a snack, I walked by the flashing display on the answering machine and started the messages. My ears perked up as I heard, “This message is for Kevin Ellerbrock. …I’m calling from Congressman Boehner’s office, and I am calling to inform you that you have been selected to serve as a page. If you are still interested, please call back as soon as possible…” If I was still interested? Are you kidding me?

Since the first time I saw high school students working on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on C-SPAN, I knew I wanted to be a page. My deep interest in the political process was met with a desire to see politics firsthand, not through the lenses of the media. At long last I mailed in the application—only to be confronted with discouraging comments from my own family! I heard was how unlikely it was that I would be selected, how the 75 students who are selected usually have some sort of connection with the Congress members who appoint them. Imagine then my exhilaration when I heard the phone message that I had indeed been selected to serve as a page.

After a few hectic weeks of preparation, I arrived in Washington. Within three hours of arriving in the city, I was standing on the floor of the House in absolute awe. I felt absolute admiration and respect and thousands of little goose bumps. I had to remind myself that I was not dreaming. I felt privileged to be among the 75 students chosen to serve their government. At the end of my service as a page, I came away from Washington believing that I can someday reach my goal of returning as a congressman.

The exciting and complex political process and the dedicated service of Congress people to their country strengthened my desire to be a part of the political system. Morever, I achieved something that nobody else thought I could. I believe hard work, dedication and persistence will pay off, and I myself will have the honor of nominating a high school student to serve as a page in the United States House of Representatives.

Kevin Ellerbrock is a senior at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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