Transfer students get anxious, too

For most of us, the words “test” and “relax” do not belong in the same sentence. Even just thinking about taking a test can make us break out in a cold sweat or get an upset stomach and a panicky feeling. Fortunately, psychological research can help!

Studies show that our imagination is often the cause of test anxiety. You start thinking, “Oh no! I blew that last question. I’ll probably blow the next one, too! I’ll blow all of them and FAIL the test! That means I WON’T PASS THE CLASS! I’M GOING TO FAIL OUT OF SCHOOL! I’M GOING TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE CLEANING GUM OFF THE BOTTOM OF CHAIRS AT FATBURGER!!!”

Psychologists call this “negative self-talk,” and research shows that it is often to blame for stress, anxiety and depression. Fortunately, you can control your imagination.

When you notice that negative self-talk starting, mentally yell, “STOP!” Clear your mind by taking three slow, deep breaths and relaxing your body. Then give yourself a reward by recalling a time when you felt really smart and in control.

Psychologists call this “thought stopping” and use it to treat everything from addictions to phobias. Every time that negative thought pops up, use thought stopping again. Soon you will do it automatically.

As the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius noted in his meditations, “life is what our thoughts make it.” Control your negative thoughts, and you will be able to relax no matter how tough that test is!

 By Walter Bradley, professor emeritus of mechanical engineering at Texas A&M University and CEO of

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