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You will succeed

Motivation has always possessed your every move. You’ve always been the best of the best, and applied yourself like no one else could. Your marks were always A’s—you were the head of all the clubs, you had all the friends, and now it’s time to move on. Your graduation speech made stomachs churn. Yet you stood among your friends and family, and you forced out those words that you worked so hard on. You were congratulated and thanked, and your room smelled like flowers for a month.

Your summer was incredible, you worked yourself silly just to make your tuition, because even though your parents could afford it, they knew it was important for you to make it yourself. They have faith in you that you can’t even comprehend. And here you are. A place where you have never been before, completely unfamiliar, you don’t even recognize the smells. Your previous high school world is like a grain of sand compared to the step you are about to take. It’s time for college.

You were accepted, you’re going to live on campus, everyone you know knows you are going to succeed because you have always succeeded. Everyone knows but you. You’re scared. You kind of want to curl up into a little ball and be back in fourth grade, when everything was simple. But things aren’t simple anymore, and there is no time for giving up now. You have all these dreams, and you, the determined one, are not going to let your fear take charge over your passion and motivation.

You are in charge, you are yourself, and you are about to create the rest of your life. What pressure. Take my advice on this one, though: You have ALWAYS been good. Take a deep breath and relax, because you are stepping into this new world now, and you are going to struggle. But as long as you realize this and take your pressure and your fear and turn it into the motivation that you need, you are going to be OK. You are going to be more than OK—you are going to be exactly who you want to be.

Jessey Bird is a student at Brock High School in Beaverton, Ontario, Canada. Want to win $100? Send your first-person essays to the Shout out teen writing contest at

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