College Life Articles

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Ask a rep-What can I expect at first-year orientation?

Avoid a horror roommate!
Compromise and consideration are the keys to living with someone else

Dating can be a rollercoaster
$100 teen writing contest winner

Is the Greek Life for you?

Do you have a thought virus?
A new virus is spreading rapidly to people across all walks of life. You could be infected already!

Do you need a break?
Taking a gap year—time off between high school and college—can give you a refreshed approach to college

Dress (rehearse) For Success
Try these six tips to get you through your interview.

Drinking decisions
Abusing alcohol can cost you your degree, your paycheck and your life

Dying to drink
I drank more in three hours than I should have all semester—and almost didn’t live to see sophomore year

Greek life in Canada
What can fraternities and sororities offer? More than you might have expected

Helping foot the bill
Working while in school is becoming a necessity for college students

The major maze
Choosing isn’t easy, but we can help you decide


Weaving a wrecked web
Cheating off online sources can get you kicked out of college

You’re in! Now what?
Congratulations on being accepted to university! Are you ready?

Your internship kit
Going on an internship? Here are seven tips on how to do your job well

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